Saturday, December 16, 2006

Studying perspective here. It's been raining a lot lately, so I parked the van on the sidewalk of downtown Pleasanton, and stayed inside while I penciled in the lay out. Took a photo for shadow reference and finished at home... cuz it was cold. I used a pilot ink pen and waterbrush.


Ashley Boyd said...
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Ashley Boyd said...

Haha, sorry, deleted the first one because I gave you slightly incorrect information.

Wow, very nice study. You definitely understand the eye-level/horizon line aspect of perspective, since everything seems to match up. The only thing I can see that is off are the lines of the roof on the second building to the left. They should also seem like they are converging together. They are not converging on your two main viewpoints, but they are still coming together at a different point. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, though. :\